Bulletted for fun

It’s been forever and I don’t know what I’ve written. And, honestly, I’m at work writing this so I’m not going to go back and look. Maybe I’ll bullet point:

  • I’m still having pain after I eat. My specialist appointment is May 26. We’ll have to see what he says. I’m really hoping I don’t have to have a colonoscopy (I think that’s how it’s spelled), but I probably will.
  • My older sister has decided to do another “voluntary repossession” on a car she bought last year. This is a vehicle that she wanted me to co-sign for. She got mad at me when I stated that I couldn’t co-sign for her (same as usual). But, the car dealership place said that if she could come up with $890 cash, they wouldn’t require a co-signer. So, my grandmother sent me a check for the money, and I let her use my credit card so she could get the car the same day (her other car was not working). Well, her current car broke down and will cost $3000 to repair. It’s not even worth $2,000 and she owes like $4000 but the car place she bought it from will not work with her on it. So, she’s letting it be repossessed. I sure am glad that I didn’t cosign on it. Her reasoning is that her credit is so shitty, that having another car repossession on it can’t hurt it that much. She needs to file for bankruptcy. It just needs to be done.
  • I am stewing in jealousy right now. Worthless (the guy I work with) and his shrew of a wife are going to England for 10 days later this month. I’m beginning to feel like I’ll never get there. I mean if Worthless can go, why can’t I? He’s got a mortgage and a spouse and a FARM to run. What do I have? Oh yeah, two small children and a husband who pinches pennies so tight I’m surprised they aren’t golden. Oh yeah, and I’m pretty sure Worthless’ in-laws are paying for most of the trip. I’d have to pay out of pocket. And, I’d probably need a MONTH there to get it all in, not just 10 days. Still – this is me absolutely green with envy.
  • I’m still not writing anything right now. It’s coming back though. I’m thinking more and more about my book. I wish I could become a stay at home mom so I could write during the day when the boys are at school. I’d have a good 4 hours every day to work on it. As it stands, I have about 30 minutes a day to myself right now. Definitely not enough time to sit down and write my book.
  • The other night some really bad storms blew through. Just before they hit, I was cleaning up the yard and found a dead Cardinal between the little playhouse (where we actually store the yard toys) and the house. Poor little thing. Not sure how it got there, but I doubt it was my dog, probably just some cat. Anyhow, that night as the storms rolled outside, I dreamt I was back in time. I was a little girl again and I was sitting on my grandfather’s porch. I told him about the dead cardinal and asked him why things had to die. He replied, “Well, Sweetheart, that just happens sometimes.” And then an extremely loud clap of thunder shook the house and woke me up. Right before that though, I realized that I was dreaming and that I knew my grandfather to be dead. I wanted to talk to him some more, to ask him more questions. But the damn storm took it away from me. I’ve been a bit melancholy since then. I loved my grandfather quite a bit. He died when I was 14 (fell off of a ladder). It was almost as though I lost him again. I tried so hard to make myself dream of him again, but it did not work. The other night, I never did get back to sleep fully (REALLY bad storm) and last night I dreamt random little dreams that I don’t remember fully. But I know he wasn’t there.
  • I think I’ve decided to go back to school. I’m almost certain that I want to major in American History and Literature. I’m going to get my Bachelor’s Degree and then take the required courses to teach in high school. Not that there’s anybody hiring teachers anymore. All the States are broke and the schools are actually laying teachers off now. I’ll still be some sucky Technical Writer working in this cave, but I’ll have my degree. Maybe some day I’ll be able to teach or write something interesting.
  • I’m considering asking Nathan if we can just have my car completely repaired (have the engine replaced) for about $5000 instead of getting a new car. I LIKE my car. Right now, it’s kind of shitty, but with a new engine and some other minor repairs and upgrades (fix the passenger side mirror, new tires, and add remote start), it would probably run really well for another 10 years. Especially if I maintain it better than I did when I first bought it. It only has 50,000 miles on it. No, it’s not exactly what we need. It’d be nice to have a car with 4 doors so it would be easier to get the boys around and to not have to use the van (which I hate driving). But, I can drive the van whenever I need to take the boys somewhere. Or they can suck it up and sit in the back seat of my car. I just really like my car. I love its shape and color. I like how the inside fits me. It feels like ME when I drive it. But, I’d have to get a real estimate on how much it would cost to replace the engine. We’d probably get a loan from the bank to do it. It would be way cheaper than buying a new car though. I just wonder how long it would take and what we would do in the mean time for driving to and from work.
  • I LOVE my iPod Touch. Really I do. It’s one of my favorite things. I think I would be terribly upset if it got lost, stolen or broken. I take it with me everywhere I go.
  • Kenny has started soccer. He has a good time at it. He must learn to dribble better and be more conscious of NOT using his hands. He forgets sometimes and picks up the ball.
  • Evan is my darling little boy. He’s so sweet most of the time. But when he’s not, he’s a demon child. :Þ He can throw a tantrum with the best of them. And talk about STUBBORN. I have no idea where he gets it. Honest. It couldn’t POSSIBLY be from me. (Note the heavy sarcasm.) My mom swears he’s the spitting image of my uncle Mike as a child. I told her I need photographic evidence first. He does have more of my family in him than Nathan’s. He’s got the “Czech eyes” and the “Czech hair.” So, maybe he is one of us. There is no doubt the Kenny is of Nathan’s family. It’s scary how much he looks like his daddy and grandfather.

Well, I’ve rambled enough and it’s time to go home. So, I’m going. Oh, and I copy and pasted this from MicroSoft Wordso if it looks funny, blame that.

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May 13, 2010

1. poor tummy 2. our sister is dumb 3. we’ll get there 4. write 5. I love Grandpa dreams…sad though 6. History teachers are in demand… 7. Pat says replacing the engine is just as expensive as getting a new car…GET A NEW CAR… you’ll find one that you love… 8. crack-pod 9. I love my little Tator Tot…and Kenny too!

May 14, 2010

I really hope you feel better soon. No colonoscopy *crosses fingers* One day you will get to go to England.

I get the van resistance. I would get a new car if you need it. Trying to repair an old car could be tricky.

And here I thought I was the only one who occassionally called me children devil children. 🙂