Bought a couch

Yup. After much discussion with Nathan – well, that’s not true. I called him from the furniture store. I bought a nice little couch today. It wasn’t exactly what either of us had wanted, but the couch we HAVE needs to go in the trash. Or rather, the front room until I have a yard sale and sell the thing to somebody. I spent a grand total of $427 and that includes delivery. It’s a nice little sage green couch. I got it at Weekend’s Only. It’s name is "86 Hunter Chenille Sofa" and is on page 2 of the sofas at Look it up. I didn’t get the matching love seat, but that’s because we don’t have room for it right now. We’ve got 2 computer desks and a reclincer plus the t.v. station in our living room. Just no space for a love seat. Maybe when we move the computers into the basement or somewhere else we’ll be able to put in the love seat.  I had wanted a nice sectional, but they just cost too much right now.

Also bought myself a nice 28" loom. It’s wood and is of a "fine gauge." LOVE IT. Am currently making a very lovely little baby blanket on it. Though I think I’m going to have to go get another skein of the main color yarn. This is my first attempt at a blanket with a design and I think I underestimated the amount of actual yarn used. I’m going from my own guesses and calculations. It’s going to be rather cute though. I promise to post pictures eventually.

Nathan got a gift card to Honey Baked Ham for Christmas this year from his ex-Boss (but sorta still boss in a round-about way). So, yesterday I used it and we had a wonderful dinner. There are leftovers and dessert and the whole thing out of pocket only cost me $7. It would have cost $32. YUM!

Took Kenny to look at some fish at Petsmart yesterday with the full intent of getting him one or two of them. But, he decided since he couldn’t have a "group" of fish like the ones in the feeder fish tank, then he didn’t want any at all. I told him that we just didn’t have a fish tank big enough for that many fish, but that he could get 3 of the fish in the big tank to start his own group if he wanted. But, he said no that he wanted a big group. He even said that he would rather just come and watch the pet store’s big group of fish than just have a "small group" at home. He’s so funny. But, in a couple of weeks, I’ll have the 10 gallon tank all set up again in the playroom and I’ll put some fish in there. I’m pretty sure I’m just going to get a Beta Fish or a couple of standard gold fish (nasty dirty foul fish) for him. He’ll change his mind when he already has his own. He’s been asking for a new kitty or puppy too, but we’re just not going there yet. Maybe, if I can talk Nathan into it, for his birthday…

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February 22, 2009

Have you had a tank before? I just love having a tank. Sometimes I just go in ansit on 1Boy’s bed and enjoy the fish. It’s good relaxation. New furniture is fun. It spiffs up the house!!!

I have had NO luck with fish. I would love a cat. I wish that we could afford one. My mum is a weaver. Her diary is londonduchess.