Booker T. Cat is sick

Something is wrong with Booker. She’s been loosing weight, but not a LOT of weight. We chalked it up to age. She is 9 now. But last night at bed time, Nathan couldn’t find her. He woke me up at 11 (I went to bed at 9:30 exhausted) to tell me. We searched together. She was hiding under our bed. I saw her coming out of there when I was coming up the stairs. When she saw me, she slinked back under there. She wouldn’t come out. We couldn’t reach her easily (California King sized bed), but Nathan managed to shove her a bit in my direction and I was able to grab a paw and pull her out. She was dirty, her coat wasn’t its usual shiny. She wouldn’t take any cat treats (she’s addicted to them). I took her downstairs and sat with her in the big blue chair. She just lay in my arms. She prrrrrrrrrrrrrrd a bit, but wasn’t herself. I put her in the basement (where the kitties sleep – they have a tendency to be really annoying at night) and went to bed. She’s out this morning, but still not herself. I’m calling the vet in about 10 minutes to see if I can’t drop her off and have her examined. We’re hoping it’s just a bad tooth or something.

Booker is our "first baby." We saved her from a life as a stray. Some neighborhood kids were being mean to her; they were throwing her on top of moving cars. I told their parents and saved her. She’s been a Daddy’s girl since then. And has earned and kept the name "Queen Booker,  Ruler of all that she sees and that which she doesn’t."  She is the head of our animal pack. Second only to Nathan (in her mind) in the house. Above me even. She’s got the most beautiful markings and eyes. She allows me to love her.

I hope she’s going to be OK.

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I hope so, too.