Birthday party

Had the HUGE birthday party for 4 kids at my house today. It was massive. Lots of fun though!! We had a Sponge Bob pinata and cakes and lots and lots of presents. It was like Christmas in June.

I managed to really fuck up (sorry, it hurts) my toe 15 minutes before the party. I was barefoot and ran into a kitchen chair leg. Graceful I know. It hurt A LOT. And then my 6 year old niece A stepped on it. Then Evan dropped a heavy water filled rubber ball on it. And then everybody left and I went to the Urgi Care. I didn’t want to go to the E.R. So, I get there, they X-Ray it and I wait. Doctor comes in and tells me that it would have been better if I broke the toe. It’s dislocated and jammed and I’ve got ligament damage and a really bad sprain. He has to pop my toe back into place. Ouch. OUCH OUCH OUCH DAMMIT!!! They took me back into the X-Ray room (because it had a big hard table for me to sit on so he could work. And he popped my toe back in with some pressure. Let’s just say it hurt. OUCH. A lot. OUCH. OUCH OUCH. But, it feels a bit better now. It’s turning black (ooooooh!). He said I didn’t have to wear a "post-op boot" if I promised to go straight home and elevate and ice it. I’m not supposed to carry anything and to just take it easy. I promised. If I had to wear that stupid boot for two weeks I’d never hear the end of the klutz jokes. So, I’ll keep it to myself at work and just be very careful of my foot for the next couple of weeks. I don’t want my toe to repop out. That would suck.

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June 27, 2009

I dislocated the bone behind my second smallest toe once by walking into something barefoot. I wish I had had it relocated. Instead I just kept it elevated because everybody insisted to me that doctors are useless for toe injuries. The post-op boot sounds like it would be handy for kicking people who think your injury is funny.

June 27, 2009

OW! oh man! you just keep racking up the wound points. I wish you got to exchange them for something! RYN: heehee 🙂

June 27, 2009

Oh my gosh, it couldn’t get much worse for your poor toe! I really hope it recovers quickly.

OUCH! You better be careful with it. It is amazing how much stuff happened to your poor toe in such a short amount of time.

ryn: no, I had my daughter hold the bumbo seat and figured once Connor was a bit older and heavier it wont float anymore.

July 5, 2009

OWWWW. thats not good. xx