Big D

Took the older animals to the vet yesterday.

I made the appointment to have Pepper’s right eye removed. She’s just been miserable with dry eye for the last year. We can’t get it under control with drops. So I made the decision to remove it. I hope she forgives me.

It was D’Artagnan’s time for the vet too. Big D has lost 2 pounds in the past year, but I just chalked it up to him being 13ish years old. He’s an old man. Most old cats are kinda bony, right? Well, Dr. J wanted to do a blood panel because he thought it might be a thyroid issue.

It’s not. His thyroid is fine. His calcium levels are really high.

He has cancer.

We’re doing an XRay on Thursday and possibly an ultrasound to see if there’s a tumor. If there’s not a tumor, it’s a lymphatic cancer.

Either way, Big D has cancer and not much time with us.

I’ll make him comfortable. I buy his favorite canned food. I’ll let him sleep upstairs in the spare bedroom on an electric blanket at bedtime (instead of on the bed in the basement). I’ll feed him turkey lunch meat and ham too (his favorites). I’ll even give him some milk (just a little bit). Maybe some ice cream. He likes vanilla.

I wasn’t expecting it. I thought he was just getting older.

I’m going to miss my black neurotic kitty.

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I can relate. My little dog Buddy has cancer too. We just started treatment. He is 10 and I’m not ready to let go of him yet.

January 15, 2013

I’m sorry that your time with him is ending… but I’m sure you will make the most of his time left. Leave on Animal Planet so he can watch…

ryn: you bring up a great point and it’s one I certainly considered and was discussed amongst ourselves (yes, we pretty much had a group discussion about it after they left) and the consensus was: Real. Though, the fact that there was a group discussion about it could very well serve as cheaters proof that it was a social experiment. If it was, the acting was fantastic. They held characters. It looked spontaneous to me. The “cheater” blushed for just a second before recovering and being graceful about it. They did leave “together,” but didn’t seem to go to the same car. It seemed like they were leaving and the first one caught the second by surprise. It’s possible we were all taken–I immediately even considered that possibility, but I’m still thinking that it wasn’t.

January 15, 2013

Oh NO! Such sad news. Love him well.

January 16, 2013

I’m really sorry.

ryn: THANK YOU!!!