And some not so good news

Two steps forward with the clean bone scans. And one step back with this:

I wanted to update all of you on our most recent news. Madelyn was supposed to do some testing today, but due to the weather, nuclear medicine couldn’t get the drugs they needed from Chicago. That has been rescheduled for next week.

We received the pathology results yesterday. The tumor is part ganglioneuroma (benign) and part neuroblastoma (malignant). They also told us that the fluid from/around her lung came back as having malignant cells. So, we are starting chemotherapy on Monday at Children’s Hospital. Steven and I go in to speak with the oncologists this afternoon to set up the plan and get a better idea of the drugs being used and the timeline for treatment.

We’ll let you know once we have any other information on Madelyn. We know that this round of chemo will be done as an inpatient, but hopefully we will be able to do outpatient in the future depending on how she does this time.

Talk to you all soon.


In other news: I have the flu. Kenny had it first, then Evan and now it’s gotten me. Stupid, useless flu shot. I went to work on Monday, stayed home Tuesday because of the storm, Wednesday my office was closed due to ice, today I’m sick and tomorrow I’m supposed to take Evan on a field trip. So, I’ll only be getting paid for 2 days of work this week. Hello tiny paycheck.

We didn’t get the promised "snowpocalypse" either. We did get about 1/2" of ice on everything and then another 2" of sleet which then froze into place as a solid sheet of concrete type of ice. It cannot be shoveled. It cannot be moved. Salt will NOT really melt it. And about 1" of snow on top of that.

The temperature is brutally cold right now. We woke up at 0 F with a windchill in the negatives. Right now at 2PM it’s about 15 outside with a 0 windchill. Yay fun.

Thankfully though, the sun has been out all day and any ice left on the roads is melting. There are giant ice spears (I can’t spell ice-cycle today, somebody help me) hanging on everything. The tree, the swing set, the play house, my fence, etc. etc. etc.
I’m going to go swallow some more cold/flu meds. Must beat this headache and fever.

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February 3, 2011

Aw, that’s too bad that Madelyn has to have chemo…She’s in my thoughts. You too, hope your flu goes by quickly!

February 3, 2011

I’m sorry for that little girl… I couldn’t imagine how hard it must be for them. I just got my little one out of the ICU today and home, and that was traumatic for me… and it was just Pneumonia and an ear infection…

February 4, 2011

Keeping Madelyn in my prayers. Hope you feel better soon! icicle!