All at once?

Really? With everything that’s going on, I get THIS too? I went to the clinic at Wal-Green’s to find out that I have the flu AND a sinus infection. Not only that, I have an upset tummy from the flu and now my period too. I mean COME ON already. I need a vacation from winter.

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February 5, 2011


February 6, 2011

Oh nooooo! That really isn’t fair at all. Feel better.

February 6, 2011

Awww…bummer!! Hope you are feeling better soon…

February 7, 2011

that sucks!

February 7, 2011

It seemed to never fail that whenever I got real sick with the flue, that’s when my cycle would start. I guess Aunt Flow thought we weren’t suffering enough. She’s such a bi@$h, isn’t she?

I am recovering from strep. Winter can be no fun at times.

February 11, 2011

ryn: *smiles* thanks! re entry: Hope you’re feeling better. *frowns*