Ahh time

It’s hard to get back into the habit of writing every day. I know I miss it. But I have to re-establish the habit.


Work is good. Today, I created an estimate and proposal for over $100,000. I’m not sure if it’s correct, but it’s close. I’m really learning how to do this job. I can’t believe I’m being trusted to even START the proposals and estimates for jobs of this size. It makes me feel … smart.


In other news: I slept like crap. Absolute crap. I woke up the husband by accident who wanted to then have sex. Sorry. Too tired at 4AM. Maybe later.


I should write more in my books, but I just don’t have it in me right now. The procrastination is a huge wall in my way. Imagine it this way: It’s like a filthy apartment complex that you’ve been tasked with organizing and cleaning; by yourself. There’s so much to do that even beginning is a struggle.

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