A lot

Kenny had his first T-Ball lesson last night! It was so HOT. But, Kenny was a trouper and had a wonderful time. He’s the youngest kid on the field though. They can’t join T-Ball until they’re 4 years old. He turned 4 on July 5. This group is "4 and 5 year olds" so there are some almost 6 year olds in the group. Kenny was the shortest kid. BUT, happily, he wasn’t the shyest. He paid attention and did what he was told and he had a wonderful time. I took loads of pictures. Nathan showed up with Evan at about 5:30 at which time I left to go to a farewell party for a really good friend of mine. I felt awful leaving the T-Ball and Nathan said Kenny missed me. I promised not to miss any other lessons. I’ll be there for each and every one. 🙂

So, the going away party was interesting. My friend H invited a core group of people. I get along with them all, but we’re not really friends. I felt a little out of place. And, she didn’t warn me that she invited my recently unemployed old boss "D." Remember him? I was his Executive Assistant and he made my life stressful? Yeah. She invited him. Imagine my shock when I walked in the door. It was a bit uncomfortable for me. I held up really well though and made small talk with him. And to make matters worse, about 30 minutes into the party "Owner Lady" showed up at the same bar/restaraunt! D and OL are actually not getting along and I’m pretty sure there’s a lawsuit involved over his "forced resignation." Well, I’m still working personally for OL. I REALLY shouldn’t be seen by her socializing with D. It could ruin the trust OL has in me. Yes, what I do with my own personal time is my business. But we all know how personal lives can effect our professional lives. So, when OL showed up, she didn’t see me. I made a hasty retreat to the restroom to think exit strategy. I honestly have more trust and priority in my relationship with OL than I ever did with D. So, I used the only excuse I really had. I used my children. I said I needed to get home to the boys because it was bath night and Evan wouldn’t really go to sleep without me. And then, I made a quick exit. I really wish my friend H would have warned me that she invited D. I still would have gone, but I would have sat at another part of the table instead of next to him (only seat left).

I love my Olay Body Quench Ultra Moisture lotion. It has itty bitty sparkles in it and makes my hands glitter a little. Heehee. 🙂

I am a mean person. Seriously. Mean. Just now my friend Em (who is short and about 75 to 100 pounds overweight) came into the office back here and announced that somebody had brought in chocolate birthday cake and brownies. Toerag told her that he didn’t eat that stuff because it was unhealthy (he’s a germophobe in real life). Em said there was nothing ever wrong with chocolate and that chocolate was her "friend." I opened my mouth to snarkily say, "Obviously" with a nasty look. What on earth is WRONG with me? Thankfully my brain caught up with my mouth and instead I said, "Mine too!" with a huge grin. Em is my friend. She’s overweight from a medical issue. She didn’t CHOOSE to be that way and neither do most people who are over weight. Sure, she eats a lot of junk food which doesn’t help. But I eat a load of junk food too. When did I turn into the skinny bitch? I don’t want to be the skinny bitch. It’s one thing to be a bit of a smart ass about certain topics. But I grew up being made fun of and I KNOW better than to purposely hurt somebody’s feelings. I don’t know what my snarky mind was thinking.

It’s going to rain all weekend.

I jumped the bandwagon and bought "Eyes Like Stars" last night. The author is on Open Diary, but I can’t remember her diary name. So far, it’s pretty cute. An easy read. Definitely "young adult" reading. But so is Harry Potter. And since it revolves around the theater world and has a bit of magic in it, I’m enjoying it. I needed a new book. And this one looks like it’ll be the first in a series so that’s always nice. Maybe it’ll even become an audio book I can listen to at work.

Speaking of adio books, I think I’m gonna head over to the liabrary and borrow some of theirs for the weekend. The have a whole wall of audio books. I should be able to find something new to listen to. I’m just bored with Harry Potter and the Twilight books. I’ve got a couple other ones as well, but I am in the mood for "new to me" books. Anybody have any good suggestions? Nothing scary and I’m not a fan of courtroom drama books either. Romance, fantasy, sci-fi, fiction and even biographies are good.

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July 10, 2009

Her name is Dallandrah. I LOVE when my kids are doing a new sport, they just sponge things up. Zach once SCREAMED “you’re doing DOWN!” to a kid on the other soccer team. It was hysterical AND humiliating, all at once. Yes, your friend really should have told you who was one the guest list.

July 10, 2009

kudos for handling that part situation well – what a bad position you were put in. Ugh. Awww – Kenny’s playing TEE BALL? my how time flies.

I use to sit through every practice of my older son, George. I have to admit that I am really glad that I don’t have to do that. In dance, you are only allowed to watch a maximum of once a month. I LOVE watching my daughter dance but the rule does keep me from going crazy. Sometimes, you can be everywhere as a mother. I totally understand the uncomfortable position you were put in. Smart thinking on that one!