A letter to Kenny’s teacher

Mrs. M, 
I’m just sending you an email to update you on Kenny. Obviously for the past 3 
weeks Nathan and I got to spend a lot of extra time with our boys. And we both 
noticed a drastic sad change in our Kenny.  
We’ve been watching him for some time, but it seems to have completely happened 
since he started 3rd grade. 
He can’t make eye contact with us. He won’t talk to adults (even his beloved 
Nana). It’s almost like he can’t do it.  
He has a bad attitude and meanness that wasn’t there before. Sometimes, he just 
does things to be mean. He’s not physical, but he can be really mean. 
He has a lack of desire to leave the house. He has a lack of desire to do 
ANYTHING outside. 
He can’t stand to be touched. Right now the only part of his body that he can 
stand to have touched is the top of his head, part of his face and the bottom 
part of his legs. I can’t even hug my child.  
All Kenny wants to do is read his books, play on his computer, play with Evan 
(when Evan isn’t being a "pest"), or just be left alone. He’s been having 
nightmares and is scared to death of being alone in the upstairs portion of our 
He can’t function and he isn’t coping. He’s really struggling.  
I’ve decided to have Kenny tested for Behavioral Disorders. I’m pretty sure he 
has social anxiety (he has extreme shyness inherited from his father). But I’m 
starting to wonder if he has Asperger Syndrome.  
He has a regular checkup this Friday afternoon. I’ll be picking him up at 3:00. 
If there is any information on Kenny (anything you’ve noticed) that you could 
send along so that I could share that with his doctor, I would appreciate it. 

My poor sweet Kenny. I was hoping for such a better life for him than what I had growing up. I wanted him to be "normal." I never was and it was a miserable existence as a child. But I see him struggling and not handling it well and I just can’t stand by any more. My kid needs help.

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January 21, 2014

Poor guy. And poor you! :^( I sure hope and pray for positive results now that you’ve got the ball rolling.