A hard morning

This morning, I had to help my mother put her two cats to sleep.

Samson was 15 years old. He had long hair, but could no longer groom himself. Even with my mother brushing him constantly, he became terribly matted. I tried to help, but Samson got mean in the end and would bite – HARD.

Tigger was 16 years old. He was a present for my brother when he was in grade school. He was in so much pain. I’m guessing arthritis.

Both cats were under 10 pounds (at one point, Samson was near 20).

Samson fought it. He didn’t want to go. It took him a full minute after the injection to give up. That’s a long time.

Tigger did not fight it. They gave him the sedation shot, and then soon after that, the euthanasia injection. I could tell that his spirit left before his heart stopped. He just wasn’t there anymore. I think he was grateful.

It was a hard morning. I saw my step-father in absolute break-down mode. Seriously ugly cry. Begging my mom not to do it. Saying that the cats were healthy and to please not do it. My mom had to convince him, while crying herself, that the cats were ill. They hadn’t eaten anything in days and were still vomiting and pooping everywhere. That it was time. He was so upset.

At first the plan was going to be just me taking them, but my mom changed her mind at the last minute. She said she HAD to go. And that made it even harder for me. She’d never had to put one to sleep before, and here we were putting both of them down.

I had to be strong for her, but I still cried. They were my cats too.

I’ve had to put three cats to sleep this year. Please let this be the last time in a long while before I need to do it again. It’s miserable. Absolutely miserable.

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November 20, 2010

Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I remember having to put our dog down. I couldn’t just drop him off and leave him, he was a member of the family. My husband and I stayed with him while they euthanized him and it was the single most difficult thing I think I ever did in my life. I cried so hard and had to hold him – just couldn’t sit there. My heart goes out to you and your parents. ((hugs))

November 20, 2010

*HuGs* that is always the worst. They say bad things come in threes, so you have to be done now, right?

November 22, 2010

I have never had to do that yet. I can’t imagine how hard that must be for you and your parents. **hugs**