A bit of good news in all of this

Madelyn had an in-depth bone scan today. The scan showed that there is NO bone involvement with the cancer. Her bones and bone marrow are both CLEAN. There will be another scan on Thursday. They’ll inject a dye into Madelyn’s system that will attach ONLY to neuorblastoma cells and then "glow" on a scan. It will show if the cancer has spread any. The BEST outcome would be for the only place that glows is the baseball tumor. So, keep praying and sending those good thoughts! We want only that evil baseball to glow!

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I’m so relieved! Yet of course, she needs every prayer we can give!

January 29, 2011

Yes, the nuclear med scan will be the next hurdle. Fingers crossed for only for what is already showing. Sending lots of positive thoughts.

January 29, 2011

Prayers are already said for her!! And her family too.

January 30, 2011

So glad to hear it’s not in the bones! Will keep praying…

February 1, 2011

Thank God that the bone scan came back clean. Sending prayers that the next test comes back the same. Take care.