3 Times

 I’be seen my husband cry 3 times.
2 times were when our sons were born. Pure happieness and joy.
The third time was last night. We were watching a news report on the tragedy in Connecticut when a teacher came on and told her story of herding "her kids" into the closet and telling them, "it’s going to be OK. You are loved." And Nathan, my beloved husband whose so strong and silent, let out a quiet sob. He said every time he thinks about it, he sees our boys in that situation and it kills him. He can’t fathom…

I switched the channel to a show about puppies. We held hands and just tried…

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December 16, 2012
December 16, 2012

(hug) I think as parents who love our children, we can’t help but look at ours and think- Our kids could have easily been in that situation, if the situation was different. I have a seven year old… so I know. And all I can think about is how sometimes my kids beg to stay home, and I say- I’m busy today, you have to go… what if one of them said that, and the parents sent them on to school.

December 16, 2012

It is completely unfathomable.

My husband did the same thing. It is terrible.

December 20, 2012

ryn: i don’t know if it’s been a good life, but it’s been full.