
So, here I am. I should write something. Something great. Something….. oooh shiny!

Sorry, I got distracted.

Caution: The following will be flow of thought writing. Read at your own risk.

Both of my dogs are lying in the sun from the window. I wouldn’t say it’s gorgeous out, but it’s definitely nice. It’s still a bit cool for my taste. I can’t wait for it to be truly warm out. Short and tank top weather is my favorite.  Sigh. Soon.

I had my baby brother and older sister over for Easter lunch today. Heather brought Tesia and we had an egg hunt for the kids in the back yard. I cooked a ham, bread, green bean casserole, corn, pirogi, and some cupcakes. It was a decent meal. It sure made my house smell good.

The kids were very happy to see that the Easter Bunny came and left them baskets of candy and hid eggs in the yard. This year, the bunny filled the eggs with pirate gold and silver and some pirate jewelry and lizards. She just didn’t feel like giving the kids MORE candy that they won’t eat.

I still have candy left over from Valentine’s Day, Christmas and Halloween. We just don’t eat it. If the kids want a snack, they usually go for the chips or teddy grahams. The candy just gets looked over. It’s a good thing, really but it’s such a waste. This year the Easter Bunny brought candy that I like for their baskets.

I just saw my neighbors leaving their house and realized that the wife is pregnant – again. We’ve never really gotten together with them. But I swear that her other baby is just *maybe* one year old. And she’s VERY pregnant. I’m not really one to judge, my kids are just 2 weeks shy of being 2 years apart. 

Speaking of kids, Evan has been having a bit of a rough patch. He’s getting better but it’s slow going. He needs one-on-one attention more than Kenny ever needed it. Evan doesn’t feel smart of successful around Kenny so Nathan and I have to make sure that we do things with just Evan that he can be successful at. Kenny can’t help it. He’s so freaking smart. He’s off the charts smart. And Evan is smart too, just not the same way that Kenny is. They also have very different personalities. Kenny is laid back and a thinker. Evan is more outgoing and jumps right in. Two very different learning styles.

I’m in for a world of fun as they grow older.

Speaking of growing older, I hate it. Yeah yeah. I hear you saying, "But Keepsake you’re only 33." Well dammit, I never asked to be 33. Why can’t I still be a kid? I want to do a lot of the things the kids do. When I go to Target, it takes a lot for me to not buy myself that pretty doll. Ugh. Being an adult sometimes sucks. But I do love not having a curfew or being told what to eat and when. I get to decide that all by myself. 

My job sucks. The end. I know I should be grateful that I have one, but it is slowly killing me. Problem is, I’ve been there for like 8 years now. I’m invested. In just 2 years, I’ll get 3 weeks of vacation a year. And not only that, I’m not really qualified to do anything else. If I change jobs, I’ll just end up as somebody’s secretary. And right now, I’m not that at all. I’m a Technical Writer and I pretty much do what I want to do. I have a boss, but I run my own position at work. Nobody has to tell me what to do.

I should REALLY try harder to edit my books and finish my books so they can be published. Who knows, maybe someday a publisher or agent will like them and then I can be a *real* writer.


Evan just woke up from his self-imposed nap. He wants cereal. Well since everything is closed due to Easter, I guess he can have a bowl of Fruit Loops at 4PM because I don’t know what I’m making for dinner.

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April 8, 2012

To me, it’s crazy to have kids any less than four years apart…lol But that’s just me!! I think that cereal is meant to be eaten at any time of the day or night. :))) Ya, I get ya about being someone’s secretary. That’s probably where I’ll end up. Bah. lol :))

I have a job that I adore so I could not give you advice on that one. My children love chocolate. We try not to buy a ton to avoid them not eating real food for days.

April 18, 2012
