Why Don’t Arcades Ever Advertise Dancing Games?

One thing I hate more than anything…being a dance/rhythm game enthusiast….is when I go to an arcade to play a dance game and they have the volume on the machine turned down really low so you can’t hear it…on top of that there are fucking loud kids who think it’s just so much fun to scream at the top of their lungs for all the world to hear. So, you try to go to the front, to ask them to turn up the volume on the machine because we can’t hear over all the commotion that’s going on inside the arcade, and I feel like at every arcade, with the exception of a few GOOD ones, will all tell you the same things:

1) We don’t have the keys to open the machine/Our manager doesn’t let us mess with the machines.

2) It’s loud enough, deal with it.

Seriously…we aren’t even being rude about it.

But like, what I can’t get over, is that DDR and ITG are overall GOOD GAMES. I mean, not to say that other games don’t deserve to be in an arcade…but let’s review. The games that bring in the most money are:

1) Ticket redeption games

2) Games with violence

3) Basically games that require no physical activity

And then there’s the dance games…underplayed, and I personally think are unappreciated. Everyone compains about how child obesity is such a problem…and yet HERE IS A SOLUTION right in front of their faces, and they aren’t doing shit to advertise it really. It’s like, "Here fat kid! Let’s play Deal or No Deal or Daytona or Fast and the Furious Driving Game, so you can sit some more and get more fat!" You know? Does anyone out there agree with me? It serious gets on my nerves when people complain about Americans being fat and unhealthy, when it’s so completely obvious that no one is doing anything to solve the problem. Americans don’t give up what they love…horrible food habits and no physical activity. That is the reason why we are all lazy, fat sons of bitches.

That is why I love dance games. God I love dance games. It’s fun, and if you work hard enough at it, it’s ridiculously good exercise. I never leave an arcade without being pretty much soaked in my own sweat. It’s great. And I have my fair share of games that I like to play that don’t require physical activity, don’t get me wrong, I’m not against these games by any means. I just wish that they would try harder to advertise the dance games to promote having fun and exercising all in the same package.

How would you advertise? Oh easy. Turn up the volume so we can hear the machine, allowing us to play our best which equals people being impressed, which equals people wanting to play the game. Not only that, but hosting tournaments, making special discount weeks for the dance games to get more attention. There’s so many little things that people could do to help try to bring awareness to the awesomeness that is dancing games.

But eh, whatever. My beloved Kara came to visit her boyfriend Tim on Wednesday and Thursday, so I got to hang out with her, and that was fun. We ranted about Jeremy which was fun. Oh shit….I still haven’t made an entry about Jeremy….for all that do not know Jeremy, you are lucky. You don’t want to know Jeremy…he has many many issues and he is in denial that he has issues.

Heh, check him out on craigslist and make fun of him. He’s a compulsive liar and told everyone that he was drunk when he wrote the craigslist posting, but everyone is highly doubting that, because his grammar is too perfected to be written by a drunk person…and he just likes attention and probably just told us he was drunk because he was embarrassed that he posted it….

I would have posted it, but I just checked it and found out he deleted it XD what a fuckin n00b.

Oh god…I need to dedicate an entry just to talk about Jeremy…coming right up!!

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