Should I Feel Angry/Bummed Out About This?

Ok, so, I’ve wanted cats for a while. I was on OneStart recently looking at their ads, I keep my eye out for cat listings.

So I find one. The owner has two cats…an orange male cat named Graham, and a dark, marbley colored female cat named Hannah. The two adult cats are listed for free, along with toys, their food, their litter boxes…basically everything you could need to take care of a cat. They were giving all of that away for free. The cats had already had their shots, and the owner had the paperwork to prove it, they were also neutered/spayed. I was like, BINGO, sounds awesome.

So, I’ve been talking to the owner since like mid-July. We keep emailing back and forth about when he wil come by with the cats. The reason why he was putting the cats up for adoption was because he was going to grad school, and he couldn’t bring the cats with him where he was going. I was very happy to take the cats off his hands, since I had wanted cats for a long time. He was happy that the cats were going to a good home, which they would have. Mike and I are very friendly people who love animals 🙂

Well, so the owner emailed me early this morning and was like, "Hey, I can drop them off at your house this evening, would that be ok?" And I was like, "Yeah! Sure! Just give me a call and we’ll talk about it." So we get things all sorted out and I was supposed to have the cats at like 9pm tonight. I was super excited! Then 8:20pm falls around and I get a phone call, my caller ID says it was the owner. I pick up, and it’s the owner’s sister…and she was like, "Yeah, we don’t want to give the cats away afterall…we had the cats in the car and they were meowing loudly at us, and it brought us to tears because they are such good cats. We just couldn’t bring ourselves to give them away." And I mean, I was kind of shocked, because I wasn’t expecting it, but I wasn’t rude and told her that it was ok, and that the cats belonged to them, so they could do what they wanted with the cats. But like, if they didn’t want to give away the cats, they shouldn’t have put an ad out right? But then again, on the other hand, you can’t really plan for things such as an emotional breakdown when parting with your beloved cats.

Right now I just feel, disappointed. My first reaction was anger, then feeling bummed out, and now I just feel disappointed. I mean, I can’t really blame them, I think it’s hard to part with anything that you really love, be it a cat or another person, or some sort of object that means a great deal to you. So, I can see it that way, but I’m just so disappointed because I’ve been talking to the owner since like July 13th, and I was just getting so excited and so pumped up to get cats, just to have them call me and tell me that they couldn’t bring themselves to part with their cats. I don’t know…tell me what I should be feeling because I’m confused.

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July 28, 2008

try lots of animals on there, thats where i got my dog, coundt be happier with him

I dunno, call me insensitive but I would have been royally pissed. If it was a one day discussion about it I would be alright and say whatever, but to talk that long about it, make plans on the day, and 40 minutes before make that call…I dunno. I think its irresponsible and rude. But thats just me.

RYN: Well, it’s the ruth. These people suck! I mean, the nerve!