Feeling Kinda Pissed Right Now

So today I spent the day with my parents at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and we went to go see a movie, called, "Brideshead Revisited." Wasn’t too bad a movie, but of course my parents are just full of negative energy and after the movie complain about how religious people are ruining their lives, or something to that nature. They also think I’m an alcoholic, because I asked for one martini when we ate out at dinner. Which is annoying, because I’m the farthest thing from an alcoholic. I’m 21, I want to enjoy being able to order a drink legally. One drink. If I were an alcoholic I would keep the drinks coming, right? No, not my intention. My parents are just soo…convinced they are right and it’s annoying because they aren’t.

So I mean, it was a nice day out with them and all, but they just have so much negative energy to them…it’s just annoying, I also spent more time out with them than I had planned. I got home later, and I had put aside today to be the day to clean up the living room a little bit ot have guests over tomorrow night before we all go to Florida on Thursday. Well, with my parents keeping me out later than I expected, and with them nagging at me calling me an alcoholic, I wasn’t in the best of moods to clean a lot. I did a little bit of work, but I just didn’t feel much like doing anything. So, my plan was to relax for the evening and wake up early tomorrow and clean up before Kara comes.

Well, Mike is just getting on my case and throwing in my face, "Oh you said you would do it today, why should I trust that you will get it done tomorrow?" And I don’t know I just feel pissed because I had to deal with my parents nagging, and then I come home to deal with more nagging about cleaning up for tomorrow, when I can just wake up early and get it done. I am positive that I will do it and get it done…all while trying to get on a better sleeping schedule. I’ll just wake up at 8am and start cleaning, I imagine Kara will be here to hang out with me around like 10am or so, two hours should give me plenty of time to get things in the living room cleaned up. I’m confident and positive that I will get it done. Is it such a crime that I don’t feel like cleaning tonight? I’m just…annoyed, and stressed, and a little depressed, and those are just not things I want to be feeling before a vacation to Florida this Thursday. I want to feel excited and happy and carefree. But no, I get bitched at by my parents, and then come home to Mike who bitches to be about not cleaning the house tonight. ASDKFjAKSDfjADF just makes me so mad!!!

All I really want is for Mike to trust in me. But he has this attitude like, "Oh well, you said you were going to get it done tonight, but you didn’t do anything, why should I believe that you will get it done tomorrow?" And I mean, how can I prove that to him? I really can’t, but I know that I will get it done, I have nothing better to do tomorrow morning, and I mean, its the day of having people over, so I will be motivated to get the place cleaned up for our guests staying overnight. I just think there was so much unnecessary fussing tonight over stupid little things, and I’m just so annoyed by it.

But whatever, I’m out for now. Done ranting for the night. Going to go curl up in bed and read a good book.

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Best way to prove him wrong is to get it all done. Then rub it in his face for good measure.