Patiently waiting

So, here it is. 2:34 and I’ve got to wait another half hour to leave this school. The only reason that I’m still here is because I’m waiting for my boyfriend to get home at 3. I have no clue what my night entails. At the high school in the town were I live there is a blood drive for Starwars, I just might have to go and donate, I haven’t done that I a while. The only problem is that I might have to go by myself. I can’t do that. I get really nervous when I give blood, and kind of freak out. I know that sounds bad, but it’s for a good cause, I (somewhat) enjoy giving blood. Maybe I’m crazy, but it helps out anyone who may need O+ blood. So, if you ever need any, just hit me up! Naw, I’m joking, just go to your local hospital and they’ll provide the blood. I’m in a really goofy mood right now and I don’t know why.

Well, I just found out that I owe $200 to a law firm in St. Louis because of a shoplifting incident that happened in May. The whole thing went to court in late June and I payed $150 and took a stealing offenders program (stupid), I shouldn’t have to pay more 5 months after the fact! What the hell! I don’t even think that I can even pay it off, I owe them $200 in 9 days, $35 to my old high school for my senior year book, $180 to my Aunt Betty, and all the money from my paychecks have to go to gas so I can actually get to school. I think I’m screwed.

Saturday I’m supposed to go party with my girls from high school. I can’t wait, I miss them. I never get to see any of them except for Randee since we all started college. Too bad we don’t all go to the same college. Actually, me and Randee go to the same college and Amanda and Kayla go to the same college. At least we’re separated together, if that makes any sense at all. School is driving me crazy, I do believe that I’m failing my college algebra class. See, the problem is that I need a graphing calculator and I don’t have one. If you’ve noticed, I can’t afford one either, so I’m basically screwed in that class because we have a 3 page packet (front and back) and it’s all about the graphing calculator. Man, it sucks.

Anywhoo…….life goes on. I do need to worry about that, but there’s no sense in being depressed. I really like this whole diary thing because it lets me get out my frustrations and allows me to keep thinking positively, which is a very good thing for me. I think it’s great to be in a good mood all the time, I know it effects the people around me if I’m in a good mood or a bad mood. Well, I have to go, I LOVE YOU ALL!


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October 19, 2005

I hope you have a job and if you’re going to pay anyone back pay the stupid law first…family and gas can wait. That thing with your mom about moving out…how did that go? I have somet interesting things that I’m writing in my diary…click on it and start reading when you get a chance. gotta go. oh by the way When my friend lost her G.Calculator she got one off e-bay (she lost 3 calculators.bye