It’s a sad, sad day…

I know that it probably isn’t a big deal to the readers out there, but I had two fish, a Sarasas Comet named Lily and a Tank Cleaner named Dick and they both died yesterday. I hate this, I’ve had Lily for quiet a while and then a few day ago she quit swimming as much and then got white bumps on her fins and tail. My mom said that she had ick so we went to get her medicine, and I thought that she would be ok. Well, I stayed out and mom fed them and gave them the medicine but Sunday morning my mom called me and told me that Lily had died. Then, as she was speaking to me, she found Dick dead. It sucks because I think it’s Wal-Marts fault. See, I got Dick a few days before and Lily had never had problems until he came around. Now, I’m gonna have to get me some new fish, I don’t care what kind my mom wants because they’re mine. So, the moral of this story is, NEVER BUY A FISH FROM WAL-MART. I miss my Lily, but I will find a new fish, and it will be a great fish, just like her.


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October 26, 2005

Aww, I’m sorry your fish died. It always sucks losing a pet. Even fish. HUGS ~Brittany

October 27, 2005

ryn: a tattoo only hurts for the first couple minutes or so when they do the outline, then it kinda goes numb and feels like you’re being scratched… I got my tattoo shaded (got blue put around the outside) after it had healed and stuff and the shading hurt like HELL, but that’s cuz there was no outline to make it go numb or whatever… be sure of the tattoo u get though… ~brittany