Romancing yourself – Self Love exercises

Ugh, bare with me on this one. I found this 7 day series online somewhere and I thought, ok, cool, it has my name written all over it since I am not the greatest at the self-love part of the program

Day 1
Take a sheet of paper and write down all your fears. All the negative feelings you are currently feeling towards yourself or someone else, the worries which weigh you down. Spend about 10-15 minutes going through different areas of your life like: your body, soul, mind, emotions, professional life, love life, old relationships, unfinished business, family, your relationship with yourself etc. Write down whatever comes to your mind, whatever you feel is negatively affecting you right now and preventing you from loving yourself. Give yourself permission to vent and be compassionate.

I am letting go of:
Not appreciating what a  miracle my body is
Worrying about what others are doing wrong, lower my expectations
Being afraid to get in shape, it won’t lead to another diagnosis
Seeking approval from my parents
Doubting myself
Feeling like I am not good enough
Comparing myself to others
Beating myself up
Devaluing myself
Seeking approval
Not appreciating myself enough
Feeling sorry for myself
Not believing in myself

Once you have completed the list choose the 3-5 things which you feel are most important. The things which will create the biggest shift in your life. Then decide that you don’t want them in your life anymore. It starts with the decision and commitment to your decision. At the same time choose what you want instead of these 3-5 things. What do you want to replace them with?

Then take the piece of paper and do a little ‘let go of’ ritual. Light a candle up and tune into yourself.  And as you are mentally releasing the things ask yourself what you want instead of them in your life. After this little meditation, you can either burn the list or tear it apart and throw it away, flush it down the toilet or throw it into the river.

After the ritual, the things you have chosen to let go of are symbolically gone. Now, you just need to consciously keep getting rid of these things from your life by taking aligned actions.


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