Need something, not sure what
I am having knee surgery tomorrow
Yes, I should have gone to take care of it sooner, and yes I realized far too late that I was chasing after something that I should have been looking inwards instead
So, I will be out of commission for a few weeks
It’s a good reset for myself. I plan on doing more yoga, more pilates, taking it easier on my body while still moving. I would do exercise that was like beating myself up and that’s just a physical manifestation of the mental torture I put myself through
I feel sleeker for lack of a better word after I do yoga, so this will be a much better approach to the weight loss/self image stuff than the bruising cross fit, kickboxing spin ridiculousness
I am sure I will need to put stuff to paper as I heal and get through all of the stuff that will inevitably come up while I am home with my leg up
My mother is coming tomorrow…that in and of itself is weird