Day to Day
Amazing how the time flies sometimes
Last week I had an interview with the libraries at Stanford and I think that went ok, I don’t think I will be offered a job anytime soon, but I think it went well considering
I was told by my coworker here that is my reference that I am on the final list for the other job and that I should hear from them soon…thank goodness because the suspense is killing me!
Work is just ridiculous at this point, and its really stretching my abilities to let things go. I really need to spend more time meditating and less time stressing about stuff that somehow get under my skin
Sidebar: Someone close to me here at work had a major heart attack yesterday and when I asked ASD if there was going to be an email about it because people are coming up to me and asking she said no, we’re not allowed to talk about it, it’s the law. I find that to be such bullshit. I know all about HIPPA and what you can and cannot share with people. She just came back and said, you looked at me like I was nuts that I didn’t want to send out an email. Well yeah ASD, you are nuts for not communicating the GENERAL information about an employee. Why do people keep things in the dark and not communicate is beyond me!
Mar got sick last week, we think she had the stomach flu, and I was fighting off something myself and stayed home on Friday. It was nice to lay around the house, watch TV, watch the Cubs play, and talk and do things together even though she and I both weren’t 100%
So we were all sick last week, Jack had some stomach issue, woke up to poop and throw up all over the house, Lekso is still not 100%, Snow in his old age caught what Lekso had, just a mess at the house! Lekso is now getting more meds and hopefully will get better soon, he’s not the kitten we expected, but we’re so in love with him anyway
I am working Friday nights at the store now, just 7-9pm, which isn’t a big deal and I am thinking I can put that $20 in my savings account, not even think about it. I still work one Saturday a month, and that money comes in handy when I am short on cash
I am trying to get caught up with the IRS, always chasing that tail when it comes to them. The catalyst for me to do that is usually to get a garnishment letter, which I got yesterday. And yes, I know that I need to make sure I don’t go exempt on things and adjust my withholding accordingly, its difficult sometimes to make that all work out right
Right now, I am sitting here, reading a fellow diarist’s diary (starting from scratch, she’s quite prolific), trying to get started with all the data entry that I have to do, and not completely lose my mind waiting for the phone to ring
All objects of my practice!