Being tested

I am really struggling right now with all that is going on with me

Struggling because I am wondering how I can draw on my spiritual practice to help guide me and not let me get so bogged down by things
Yes, I know that I haven’t been that active, I haven’t been to the center since the Relic Tour which was the 4th of July weekend and I haven’t been to class this whole summer either
I am actually looking forward to class starting again tonight because I feel like that it was my touchstone, my week always got better when I was with my fellow dharma students and was able to put what I learned into practice
The thing is, I should be doing it all the time, not just fresh from class
To some extent, its hard to break old habits and when I sit here its hard not to be in a bad mood
It sometimes helps to think about the bigger picture but even then its hard for me because what IS the bigger picture? This company is a sinking ship and I feel like I am rearranging the deck chairs doing all this data entry work
Every day I try really hard to do my job and not make it seem like I hate every minute of it, but I know that sometimes it comes across that way. I try not to live in fear of something happening like getting laid off or worse getting fired, but I know from experience, people make some pretty heinous mistakes here and don’t get fired, so there is some comfort there.
I can’t be all cheery and light, and fake like ASD is and how she is that way one minute then complaining the next I will never know
I generally wake up in a great mood, I have a lot going on in the morning, with getting the kitten meds, dogs fed, myself fed and dressed and the added pressure of having a set time to arrive every day (and ASD thought this job would bring more flexibility, really? Where is that exactly that you see more flexibility?)
I listen to a funny radio morning show on the way to work, so I am in an even better mood
Why is it that when I walk in, and something that ASD does sets me off immediately?
I think I am going to talk with the nun that teaches my class tonight, try to get some perspective on things. I wish that there were an answer to why I can’t let stuff go, why the little things bother me so much, what’s causing all this suffering?
Is it a control thing? Do I feel like I don’t have any control over the situation or maybe I am not doing what I should be doing or acting the way they want me to act?
I find it hard to get excited about a database to be honest with you…my boss leans over me and acts like it’s the most exciting thing since electricity and I stare at him like he’s on drugs
My fingers are getting calloused from all the mantra work, running the beads through my fingers as fast as I can, trying to get it out to the universe that I am trying as best I can to figure it out and to use my studies and spiritual path to give me some peace and some guidance
I keep thinking about that Seinfeld episode…Serenity NOW!
If only it were that easy</span>

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August 12, 2008

There must be something you need from this mess but damn if I can figure it out. I hope the nun brings insight to your questions. Peace, my friend.

August 12, 2008

Work is such a big chuck of your life when it makes you so miserable it can really be unsettling. But, no matter where you work the problems will most likely be the same. The same games and personalities are everywhere. The economy and job market are so fragile now, a real rough time to be in the job market. Hope you can get some help coping with your situation….