My Sexual Assault
My name is Katie and i am 18 years old. In January of 2020 i was sexually assaulted by one of my close friends. I was 16 when this happened and he was 15. I am going to call this guy “R”. I have known R since kindergarten and he has always had this weird thing for me. We were in a friend group together and my best friend josh was in it. On January 17th of 2020, me, Josh, and R were in the woods playing in the snow like we usually did in the winter. R was talking to another girl during this time but was also being very flirty toward me. I never liked R in that way and he knew that. We ended up going back toward my house and sitting in this gazebo. I sat in the middle of Josh and R while we watched a youtube video. Suddenly i felt R’s hand going up my leg and then started touching my inappropriately. I was too in shook to say anything in that moment. I never knew someone i trusted so much could do something like that too me. I later asked Josh if he noticed and he said “No”. I was so uncomfortable being around him after that. People in the friend group noticed i didn’t like being around him and ended up kicking me out. I didn’t want to tell any of them what happened because they all loved him and would take his side. I fell into a deep depression and started getting into alcohol. I ended up meeting my boyfriend of almost 2 years, 7 months after my sexual assault. He saved me from myself. I think back now and feel terrible about not reporting him and telling my story. i feel like i could’ve helped myself more.
thats terrible. wished there was someone who could guide you how to deal with R. / better late than never, to share your story.
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Honey, you are still so young. You cannot blame yourself for how you handled a situation like that. No one really trains us in that way. I’m sorry this happened to you.
One thing I would like to tell you is that if you had told your friend group the worst they would have done is shun you, which they did anyway. But it might also have made him reluctant to try it with anyone else.
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