Sometimes, I step on toes
You know me: always changing up other people’s shit. That’s right guys, I’m not project leader of all these groups so that I can hold your hand and teach you what to do. If you can’t do it, teach yourself…otherwise I’ll just go in and correct it. I know, my major is management, I will have to learn patience eventually, but geez. Speaking of…I’ve concluded that people who don’t grow up reading can’t write for shit. I mean it. It’s just my opinion and all, but I think it’s quite accurate. See, when I write, I write for the reader…in otherwords, my shit flows. You can follow it. Other people just write, and yes, they have the correct material, but they don’t get it across. It’s all choppy and painful. I mean, my classmates are all Juniors/Seniors in college, what is UP with this? And how the hell can they turn it in and feel good about it? I was talking to one of my teachers and I expressed that thought. She said that yes, its that bad. Fragments and shit. What kind of person graduates college without knowing how to write? Bah. I’m bitching. End rant.
In other news, it’s a three day weekend! Geez that makes me giddy. I actually should be working on these projects. I’ve got three I need complete by Monday…three that I SAID would be complete by tomorrow. Eh, I need a break. Badly. I’m not all about getting zits and shit…especially when my groups really don’t care at all. Alrighty. It’s chill time. Later, guys.