Final Entry on OD
Entry #1 dated 3/13/2001
Hello! First of all, I’m not 33 yet, this diary forces you to push your birthday. I’ll be 33 at the end of November..anyway, petty things.
I don’t really have a lot to say at this point, but wanted to put one entry in at least. My friend showed me this website and I’m so fascinated I had to join in. Hope it goes well.
Happy Tuesday!
Wow. I have been writing here almost 13 years, that is amazing. 32 years old, working at a dead end job and just existing. Times have definitely changed, my friends. I am still married, I now have a career rather than just a job and I’m 45 years old. I am overall happy and will continue doing things that make me that way. Life is too short to spend wondering what if’s.
I hope I don’t lose any of you, whether on prosebox or on Facebook. If you need/want my cell #, please email me @ I’ll send it to you if you’re one of my existing friends. Love to all.
And for one last time…..take care of yourselves!
Wow, time flies. This was a good way to end your OD diary. See you in our next online life. (((hugs)))
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I hate these good-byes. I know that we’re all still connected on FB AND PB, but it’s an end of an era, and it makes me so sad. See you on the flip side.
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I’m amazed how quickly time flies too. Ten years for me this year. Wow.
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What is your name on PB? I cant find you. I tried your name with the cat face and without. Im Spinster there as well.
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will catch you elsewhere. take care, hugs p
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So long OD…see you elsewhere
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Hopefully when I figure out how things work on Prosebox, I’ll be able to keep up with you again. You have come a long way and it’s good to read that you’re happy with your life.
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ryn: added!
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