Zombification levels are reaching peak…

One of these days, I gotta try one of those Monster energy drinks… or not, bc of my diabetes. But I need something to kickstart my day. Coffee as a rule doesn’t do jack unless it’s in the evening…
We are getting a magician coming to our house on the 13th, between 1-2p. I hope he is a good one. We had a good magician come in and did some awesome tricks for us before. He did somethings with fans and lights and it was really nice. I just hope it’s not a clown. I don’t like clowns. They are evil SOBs.
I wonder when my new meds are coming in… I will have to ask Mom.
I need something to keep my energy up.
Those ‘Monster’ drinks are so not nice…they are over flowing with sugar and just taste so bad…well at least that is what I think. My husband loves them, okay maybe not ‘love’ but her ‘prefers’ them to ‘redbull’. I am a Redbull girl. You should try that Sugar Free ‘Redbull’ although I don’t think they taste as nice…and I should look in to see what they put in there in place of all the sugar.
I don’t know why people are scared of Clowns. Back in High School when I used to work for ‘Party Planners’ – basically the entertainment for kids birthday parties…I often had to dress up a clown. But then again I have never watched IT or Chucky…I am not into Horrors or Thrillers. Well I hope you enjoy the magician!
@ncumisa Sugar free energy drinks? LOL!!!! I probably will… magicians are amazing~!
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I haven’t had monster energy drinks but I’ve tried rockstar and really liked them
@heffay I need something to pick me up, bc I’m a zombie basically for like a half a day.
@kartoffeltorte I hope you can find something, Sammy.
@heffay I have in my possession, two bottles of Diet Pepsi.
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I have a protein drink in the morning — not like Monster, but more like an Ensure (Ensure has too much sugar for us. I get Premier Protein with 30g of protein & only 1g of sugar. It helps. Then I get 2 cups of coffee, which does it for me, but evidently not for you. But try the protein drink — it might work.
@ghostdancer I get diarrhea from protein drinks like Ensure.
@ghostdancer Do you like the Premier Protein? I’m going to have to do protein drinks for at least two weeks before I have bariatric surgery, and forever thereafter to make sure I’m always getting enough protein, but at least the first couple of weeks after surgery. I’ve heard good and bad about it, but really positive things about Fairlife Protein Drinks from Walmart/Sam’s… or Amazon. lol
@kartoffeltorte Oh too bad! They are certainly the answer to my problem.
@caria It’s OK. I like it because it’s so low in sugar (I’m diabetic.) Fairlife has 30 grams of protein, 3 net carbs but 2 grams of sugar (Premier has only 1). On the other hand, Fairlife has only 150 calories where Premier is 160. Winco seems to be phasing Premier out so I’m wondering if Costco is going to do the same. If so, I’ll definitely switch to Fairlife. I like the taste of Premier & haven’t liked some others I’ve tried. I’ll have to check WalMart to see if they have less than case sizes, before I buy a case at Costco & then don’t like it.
Oh Fairlife has sucralose in it. I hate faux sweeteners but then I just checked & so does Premier & that doesn’t bother me,
@ghostdancer I don’t blame you. I want to try just a bottle myself. I’m also diabetic, so I totally understand about the sugar in the drinks. I’m a rather lazy diabetic though. And for some reason, even eating sugar, my blood sugar has stayed terribly low lately.
@ghostdancer I don’t mind the faux sweeteners too much. I can tolerate them well.
@caria Lucky you! I’m struggling lately. My eating has been pretty good, but the least little thing shoots up my FBG. For instance, last night I had 2 slices of keto bread with my salad & this morning my FBG was 164!
Which means i have to get busy & start making keto recipes if I want to stay off insulin, and I do. But darn! cooking is a lot of work & standing just kills my back.
@ghostdancer I’m on insulin and it sucks, but I go through periods of not using it. When I do, I get edema really bad, but once I go off it goes away. My sugar has been mostly good, but I have my moments.
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Have you heard of Bang energy drinks? I love them! Zero calories and zero sugar. A lot of them are very tasty. I’m not sure how the energy drink scientists made that possible but I 10/10 recommend it.
@queengloom Never heard of them but if I can get my mitts on them, I’ll give them a whirl.
@queengloom I haven’t heard of them but they sound good. I like the no sugar bit, & they use sucralose also — at least not aspartame or Splenda or any of the others which all leave a bad taste in my mouth & give me nausea.
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look into b12
@kaliko I take B-12 shots but they don’t work.
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I’ve never tried a Monster drink. I stick to Diet Pepsi, tea, and coffee. Too bad they don’t make Diet Monster(s). I guess a diet monster would be a skeleton. hahaha
@novembercirese they do make sugar free.
@caria Sugar free energy drinks sounds like an oxymoron.
@kartoffeltorte right? lol
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They have sugar free Monsters. I used to drink them, but they truly make my heart race like crazy. I was drinking too many of them lol.
@caria Apparently you can die from too many energy https://1000waystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Blown_Job_(118)
@kartoffeltorte yeah, you can. My doctor told me to get out off them, so I did.
@caria Then, I will stick to either coffee or diet cola.
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