
So, having slept an hour before lunch, I feel the melatonin slowly leaving my system. I went for a walk to ease my pain from my monthlies. Thanks Eve for nothing, you stupid bitch.

Watched a bit of Beetlejuice. I love that movie..

The 25 most GIF-worthy moments from "Beetlejuice" - The Daily Dot

It’s more of a comedy than a horror… a black comedy if you will.

I’m sorry if I seem out of sorts… I’m tired, in pain and just.. blah.


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October 31, 2021

Why are you in pain?

I’ve never seen Beetlejuice before

October 31, 2021

@heffay Girly problems sweetie. Beetlejuice is a dark comedy. Stars Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice. Actually pretty funny.

October 31, 2021

I wish you felt better.  Monthlies are a real PITA!  One of the few things about getting old I getting rid of that!  I haven’t seen Beetlejuice either.  I’m culturally deprived!

November 11, 2021

@ghostdancer Beetlejuice is an 80’s thing.