The Walsh Legacy
I have downloaded a new set of default eyes from here that I absolutely love. I don’t need to download anymore except for red eyes for the Skull legacy or a rainbow set for another legacy…
Here is Prudence Walsh. Family sim, loves cooks in their tightie whities and hates stinky people (I think)
She met my favorite townie Joe Carr.
Hunter’s Park seems to be a good place to meet people.
She proposed bc this is the Walsh legacy and not the Carr legacy.
First comes.. love, then comes.. marriage, then comes..
I love taking shots of her.
Childbirth the Sims 2 way…
I gave Joe a little makeover… I love the blue of his eyes. I hope in the future they get passed down… bc…
Pru: What a weird family I have, my husband is happy for a daughter that he immediately set down on the floor… go fig!
Joe: BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baby: Um…?
Meet Winnie, who is a mix of her parents. Very nice.
And Ruth. Who except for the eyes, mostly resembles her dad.
I will have more later after my bath.
@ihavenoarms Thanks!
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I dreamed last night of a man who was dark but had blue eyes. He also had shoulder length hair and was a mad scientist.
@novembercirese Woo! That was a weird dream Cirese!
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