The Party is Over Here!!!
Add me here. I am going to always update this… have no worries. But I put Snapchat images on my WP and also simming stuff bc OD has a peculiar habit of replacing images with other (weird) images.
I’m sorry, but I don’t go to referred sites like that. One place (OD) is enough for me. I hope you understand.
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I might, but like NC, I’m already up to my eyeballs & never have time to get over to FB to see what’s going on with them folks. So possibly not. [shrugs]
@ghostdancer fb is a bloated corpse. Unfortunately I can’t leave.
@kartoffeltorte And OD also has a nasty habit of censoring things that shouldn’t be. Yesterday I tried to post a long story about experts saying we should all mask up because of the virus, and my story about how my friend refuses to get vaccinated … and OD said there was an inappropriate word (but there wasn’t) and deleted it all.
I’m not too happy with all the changes on FB but I do have friends there that I can’t keep in touch with any other way. I should try to get there more often, but you know …
@ghostdancer Yeah, OD can be a censored thing.
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