The Box
When I was … oh, I think I was about 13 or so, I was hooked on these two songs by the Box. I liked their previous song..
At the time, I didn’t know that they were Canadian LOL!!!! I love the Box. I don’t know what the topic of this entry is bc my brain is muddled… too much caffeine and not enough sleep I reckon.
I am obsessed with the Sims 3… it is such a good game. I’d post the screenshots here but sometimes OD replaces images with weird shit. I don’t know why, but maybe the Diarymaster does?
It’s another grey day out. Good day to just relax…
I’m looking out my window at a smoke-filled sky. It’s awful to even go outside and try to breathe. It’s October, are the fires over with yet?
The Box are great! Thanks for introducing us!
@novembercirese You know … I’m not too sure if the fires are done… I think maybe so. The Box is the best!
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Love My Dreams of You! So dancey.
I love Sims too, been playing both 3 and 4 for a few months.
@free_spirit_gal I love it too. Do you have screenshots?
@kartoffeltorte Not really. :/ I should start taking some.
@free_spirit_gal I’d love to see them =D
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