from @NovemberCirese
- How do you feel about your nose? It’s a typical Jewish schnozz. It is always either running or is stuffed up and no, I don’t have Covid, just post nasal drip. Ugh.
- If you had a choice, with no restrictions, what state would you live in? I know this is rather weird, but I want to live in Louisiana… I know that there are a lot of hurricanes and what have you, but New Orleans? Can’t beat the culture.
- Do you return the shopping cart? Yepp.
- Name three things you had in your childhood home that you do not have in your current home. Alcohol, both fosters were raging alkies, a record player and several Himalayan cats.
- What do you think about abortion? I am pro-Life.
- What advice would you give to women and girls in Texas right now? Just hang in there.
- If you had a choice between love or money, what would you choose. Money can’t give you hugs. <– I agree!
- Are you generally early or late for events? Early.. I get paranoid if I think I’m a bit late.
- Vaccine passport…yea or nay? Yes, and Dougie put in a mandate on this. The best thing he’s done so far.
- Would you rather have a really great car or a really great house? Seeing I don’t drive, a beautiful condo would be nice.
- Anyone else get really angry when they rearrange the grocery store? I don’t shop.. so…
- What’s the one thing that always makes you smile? When Bees smiles.
- How do you handle betrayal? It really depends upon the circumstance.
- Where were you when the first plane struck the North Tower on 9/11? Laid up with a broken leg, listening to Howard Stern and just thinking this was just shit he was making up but I went upstairs and saw it on tv and I was shocked!
- What was the first major news story you remember as a child? Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy‘s murders. They were about my age.
- What is the ugliest girl’s name you’ve ever heard? Probably Hermione.
Hermione, ha!! It’s Greek so I’m not against it like I am toward TaWanda, another horrible name.
@novembercirese Remember Fried Green Tomatoes???
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You have the best 9/11 story.
@catholicchristian I was just like ‘Oh Howard, screw you.’ but when I actually saw it, I was horrified.
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