Strangely I feel fine!

Yepp. I am in a good mood. I actually vented on another site… and now the weight has lifted! Go me!! LOL!! And I am feeling hot so I cranked open the window a bit.
OK. @NovemberCirese! Finally!! I am DEFINITELY getting the Ghost Bed. All it is now, is a matter of ordering the sucker! *dances* I can’t wait!! No more back aches or headaches or shit like that. That is the best news I’ve had all day!
Anyways, I’m going to play the Sims 2 now. I was playing the Sims 3 but I still have to u/l the screenshots. But I will. Probably tomorrow?
Tims again on Friday and I’m going to be wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired!!!! This rocks, now that I have my beloved Amazon Fire again, I don’t need to save up! I could have Timmy’s every fucking day if I wanted!
I’m so envious of your ghost bed! Maybe money will drop from the skies and I’ll be able to get one … yeah I know, fat chance. But I can dream, can’t I?
@ghostdancer I had to scrimp and save for months… it’s well worth it.
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Ohhhh I want a ghost bed! I heard they’re amazing. Enjoy yours! <3
@soldis Merci mon amie!
Both of my sisters have them and I’ve tried them… soooooooo comfy! 
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Glad you are were feeling good!!!
@ncumisa =)
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Yay for the ghost bed! Yay for Tim’s! Yay for having enough money!
@novembercirese IKR?
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