
That would be Bees and Julz. I am not sleepy. I am feelin’ fine. I just had breakfast and now I am just going to relax. I may play the Sims, or just futz about the Internet. I might watch Letterkenny also… or something on Tubi. I was watching Duck Dynasty where Si brings ZZ Top onto the stage, and they sing this song…
Si being slightly offkey. But, it was still a good ep.
So what’s new with my lovelies? Have a great day!
Nothing too new. I did my own Survey, which you can check out if you like. I’m going to relax today too. I’m so tense!!
@novembercirese You have a survey? Cool!
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For the most part, I’ll be relaxing too after I complete a couple of chores. Have a nice day!
@kotila TY
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Nuttin honey. Got the dishes whipped into shape, took a nap, worked on my entry about the fire. Fixin’ to go work on the boxes for donation: one box for Good Will & one box for Compassion Planet. I figured since it was a holiday, I’d holiday. So I did.
@ghostdancer Very nice.
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cute cat
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