Shit day…

I don’t know whether I’m coming or going… I don’t know what I am going to do… I may be evicted or I might stay. I can’t live like this … I need stability… this living situation sucks! I want to remain here but …. I want out as well…
The cause: Mainly G & D the gruesome twosome. They wouldn’t hesitate to send me me down the river.
You could say I am depressed.
5 Things I am grateful for:
- Bees and Julz
- horror movies
- water .. seriously to a diabetic, water is key.
- Bag o Bones (link)
- my (uncertain) living situation
I’m a latecomer to your diary, you know. Who are G&D? Why are they the bane of your existence?
@caria they are my worst enemies.
@kartoffeltorte and you live with them?
@caria unfortunately
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Sammy, don’t let them get to you. I know it is hard but you’ll be okay. You just have to keep taking care of yourself, okay? Reach out if you need me.
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That’s a tough situation.
@solovoice yes it is.
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Had many crappy living situations in my single life, and that can really get you you, because you need that safe space for yourself.
I should make a list too, I’ve been very down lately. *hugs*
@free_spirit_gal thank you.
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It’s hard living with others. It seems like everyone has an agenda when all you want is to live. I had a very difficult living situation in which my roommate abused me. I got a restraining order against her and she had to move out of the house.
Hang in there.
@novembercirese TY
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I’m sorry that you’re living situation isn’t good. A proper place to live is essential to a well-balanced life, or so I believe. Many (((hugs))) for you.
@kotila TY Jon.
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