Serious topic
Something I struggle with? Quite possibly my diabetes. I was diagnosed maybe 12 years ago, and each day, I have to test my bg levels twice daily, give myself insulin 2x a day also, but the real problem lies within my inability to eat healthy or healthier. I am not eating the right foods… I’m overweight… I just can’t seem to stick to a plan that will work bc so much of my favorite foods are bad for me. I see others enjoying these foods and I can’t join them. And this is taking a toll on my support system. I NEED TO EAT RIGHT. And not go back for seconds… but tbh it is hard. I drink enough water to drown an elephant but it doesn’t do much. I don’t want to give up. I can’t.
So… yeah.
I get you about struggling to loose weight and not wanting to eat healthy. I am grateful to not have diabetes but I know I pre-diabetic. I dread the day I become diabetic and I hope I don’t ever reach that point.
I wish I could give you some advice on what to do. Have you tried a dietician?
What I do know if that having the bariatric op often reverses diabetes. But I supposed that is an expensive procedure just to be able to eat they way you want….well after the op you still can’t, but I guess you will be less restraint than being diabetic.
@ncumisa If you are pre-diabetic, you should start really being good with your diet. When I was told I was pre-diabetic, I had no idea what it meant, so continued on my merry way until I was diabetic. IOf I knew then what I know now — that wouldn’t have happened. So: Prediabetes – Your Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
I hope this helps!
@ncumisa TY anyways *hugs* I’ll just grin and bear it. Lord only knows I’ve done it b4.
@ghostdancer *nods sadly* It’s often too late if you are pre-diabetic.. innit?
@kartoffeltorte I’ve been told if you clean up your act you can avoid diabetes. But what do I know? I didn’t & I didn’t.
@ghostdancer Add to the fact, that it runs in families too. My granddad had it.
@kartoffeltorte My paternal grandmother had it, and it killed her (well, actually, she was gardening barefooted, got a cut & it became gangrenous, that killed her), my mother had it, and now me. I don’t think either of my kids will have it but who knows?
@ghostdancer – Thank You
@ghostdancer Yesss
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While I don’t have diabetes, I’ve heard lots of people talk about how difficult it is to manage. And I definitely understand about the food. They make so many things taste good, it’s hard.
@heffay Ain’t that the truth darling. =)
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I share this problem with you! The last time I went to the store I bought things I shouldn’t eat & then came home & ate them.
I just went to the store today & I managed to get out of there without doing that, although it was tempting! I was diagnosed 17 years ago & aren’t on insulin (yet) and really don’t want to be, so I’m really working on eating right. I bought a whole case of Vienna sausages — I know they’re not the best things in the world but they are protein, and they’re an easy snack. I have some retina issues, which are small & haven’t changed in 3 years, but I know if I don’t get my A1c down, that will change. And I do NOT want to go blind! So, here’s to us! Choosing better things to eat, and doing our best & always getting better! {hugs}
@ghostdancer TY! I agree! Whole-fucking-heartedly.
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I can sympathize with this so much. I miss eating my favorite foods. I haven’t had ‘real’ pizza or pasta or bread in over a year now. It kills me when my mom and friends eat donuts and stuff and I’m standing there like a lonely puppy. I basically cut out carbs and sugar and dropped what little weight I had fast. It’s NOT easy though, not a bit!
Don’t give up cuppy cake and I won’t either. <3
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