@kartoffeltorte I don’t really know, but the articles I looked at didn’t say anything about it being poisonous, whereas when you look up oleander there’s a definite paragraph about its poisonous capabilities. So I’d say it isn’t, but that’s just a guess on my part. Sorry I don’t know more about it!
@kartoffeltorte I’d say that’s a pretty good sign it’s not poisonous. If it was, either he’d have gotten sick, or at least quit eating it & maybe even threw it up.
As near as I can figure out, I thin it’s a Zelkova serrata – Japanese Zelkova.
Trees of Santa Cruz County
What do you think?
@ghostdancer Is it poisonous to canines?
@kartoffeltorte I don’t really know, but the articles I looked at didn’t say anything about it being poisonous, whereas when you look up oleander there’s a definite paragraph about its poisonous capabilities. So I’d say it isn’t, but that’s just a guess on my part. Sorry I don’t know more about it!
@ghostdancer Well Ollie can’t get enough of it Ry tells me.
@kartoffeltorte I’d say that’s a pretty good sign it’s not poisonous. If it was, either he’d have gotten sick, or at least quit eating it & maybe even threw it up.
@ghostdancer Truth.
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