Ok.. I’ve seen this before but holy hell..
Meet Mabel Gruber — lover of the color pink and a natural blonde (as opposed to brassy blonde and Gwen Stefani blonde)
All her wardrobe is pink… except her winter gear I think… hmm…
It says that she is happy bc it is snowing — in springtime no less. I think not. Either that or it is her resting bitchface?
Well, wrap me up and call me a stromboli bc holy hell, she doesn’t look impressed.
More later, I think this little lady will be interesting to play.
Happy my arse.
Sammy xoxo
Looks like me lol
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Thank you for welcoming me to the site and adding me as a friend. I’m looking forward to reading your diary.
Are these pictures from a video game? Is that your character in one? She looks great!
@confessingchristian Hi!
This is the Sims 4. Yes a game.
I have red hair, not blonde. I will do my simself later. 
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