Oh my hell… Friday the 13th edition…

Two years ago on Friday the 13th, I broke my wrist. Which hurt like fucking hell. And I got to wear a neon orange cast too! And after all that, I have arthritis in it now. (っ °Д °;)っ Go fig. But honestly?
Today is just is as hot as yesterday. Yupp. We didn’t get that doozy of a t-storm, which bites the bag. We need the rain bc if something doesn’t give soon, heat related illnesses and deaths will be more prevalent. Almost as bad as COVID. Well, maybe not but wtf eh???
I am going to start posting my Sims stories here again despite OD inserting goofy images instead of my own… just ignore that… par for the course.
So my lovelies? What’s shakin’ bacon?? I wonder if Kat @kaliko got any rest what with poor Brooks being ill and her family troubles…
I’m going to play the Sims 2 now.
Nice photo
@anonypus ty I love the Sex Pistols.
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Yeah, I have pain in the sites I’ve broken too. Arthritis or something else, Idk. It just hurts.
And I think EVERYONE is praying for rain. At least in my dry little world.
@novembercirese yupp. I hear ya.
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