Of heatwaves and having Ry back?

That’s my brother Ry. He is our handyman but he is also a gem. He is sorely missed and we want him back as weekend staff. So, what I did was put in a petition to have Ry back for the weekends.

So today was a lesson in pain bc of the heat, I had a stupid ol’ headache for most of the day. It’s gone now… but seriously? This weather has to break or people will start dying of heat related shit. It better rain tonight. It looks like like rain, but will it, is million $$$ q.

I think that the *big arse storm* we were supposed to get today, we are getting tomorrow. Or tonight. Or both.

I need to relax… so after posting in my LJ,  I will rest.

Sammy xoxo

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August 12, 2021

I hope you get Ry back.  Was there a reason he left in the first place?

August 12, 2021

@novembercirese Yeah, some people complained but he has really pulled up his socks!

August 12, 2021

nice photo

August 12, 2021

@ihavenoarms TY Todd. 😀

August 12, 2021

If only we could have a *big arse storm* to break this heat wave!  I’ve been having this strange headache off & on all summer, and after reading your entry, I’m wondering if it’s not because of the heat.  Even if it’s not triple digits, it’s high 90s so still uncomfortable and doesn’t really cool off at night.  The weather here isn’t going to break until it gets to be fall, and I’m anxious that the summer will drag on through most of September and into October.  Oh, I shouldn’t say that … saying it will just attract it out of the Universe!  It’s going to be a lovely fall September and October!

August 12, 2021

@ghostdancer I am waiting on winter so I can bitch about that. LOLOLOL!!!! Canadians love to complain about the weather! 😀 😀 😀

August 13, 2021

@kartoffeltorte You go right ahead & bitch.  Me, I’m so glad to have livable temperatures you won’t hear a peep out of me.  If it ever gets here.  Since fire season now goes yar round, I’m half expecting summer to start doing that t😛oo …