Of dying moose, and Diet Pepsi induced madness!

My friend Rainy Cairns told me once that one of my tics reminded her of a dying moose.. lol! She was a funny girl. She loved Marilyn Monroe… and I think she was native. I could be wrong.
Speaking of, today is Truth and Reconciliation Day to mourn all of those poor Indigenous children… RIP
Um… I can`t really think bc I`ve got Diet Pepsi coursing through my body! It`s weird, bc coffee puts me to sleep and pop keeps me up… idk why though. I guess that`s another mystery for another day mmm?
a dying moose… pretty funny!
@kaliko It sounds weird. Pfft. LOL!!!
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lol @ dying moose. For a long time, I caffeinated with pop, too. Then I discovered tea has more caffeine in it. Good thing I love the stuff… iced or hot.
@caria Tea is calming for me. I love apple cinnamon the best. Then Earl Grey and chamomile.
@kartoffeltorte I’m not a big fan of the flavored teas, personally. Earl Grey is okay, but it has an orange flavor to it that I’m not fond of either. I’ll drink it if I must. I prefer plain old Lipton tea bags. Or plain loose black tea.
@caria Ahh..
I like Red Rose tea bags, they are a Canadian brand. 
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