Not feeling up to anything…

Hello again,
How are all of you? I am ok, not doing much. I was watching a bit of Steve’s channel on YT… and of course music videos.. like Richard Marx, NKOTB, retro stuff.. and of course the Sex Pistols (<3 Johnny Rotten!) and I have a few docs that I watch… like the true crimes one and the Jack the Ripper one — that one is terrific.
I doubt I will go anywhere today bc I need to get my summer dresses out of the shed, But I need Ry for that bc they are a way back in the shed.
I doubt we are going anywhere today, it’s gonna rain off and on with t-storms. We need this rain after about 6 days or more of 30c (80f) degree weather… today I will chill out with my sisters Bees and Julz… I am not feeling all that well anyways due to my period. I have water that I am sipping at. I will be happy when menopause hits. I’m almost 47… so, maybe soon? I am so tired… maybe I will nap?
Sammy xoxo
Summer dresses are fun!
@kaliko Oh yeah
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Menopause is difficult; worse than having your period. And it takes a long long time. My wish is that you have a smooth transition!!
@novembercirese Really? Oy vey.
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I’m glad I’m done with periods! I had full hysterectomy about 10 or so years ago so my menopause is even over.
@mamaqueenie518 Lucky!
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