My neighbor Joe sure loves his ganja… or there is a skunk nearby…
Yupp. Joe S really loves his fun shit. Either that, or there is a Pepe LePew around here. Gross. I do like marijuana but I don’t like skunks which at this time of night it invariable would be cos Joe doesn’t smoke this late. So, senor/senorita Skunk can go fuck themselves.
I am a little miffed at my mother. I don’t want to go into it but… I wish that Elena would fuck off with this healthy eating crap she’s feeding the staff. I AM NOT A FUCKING RABBIT! GET THAT INTO YOUR BRAINS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rabbit food is good for you!! Make sure you get all your vitamins and nutrients and all that. No one here is allowed to smoke weed in the buildings or on the property in this complex. That said, A takes his weed and goes to *his* car. We still have people in the building smoking their skunk weed. The worse it smells, the more potent it is. lol
They be smokin’ some potent shit around here.
@caria Yeah. It may be good for you, but it ain’t delicious. Also. smoking pot is ok by me. But it makes me logy.
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#RabbitFood. I love my chicken and meat and fish. Don’t think I could ever me a veggie. But part of my does wish that I had someone who controlled my eating and made me eat heathy foods…I wold like to think that I would then not have a weight or fertility problem.
So, enjoy your ‘Rabbit Food’…but if it is veggies only and everyday I would have a word or two with your mother.
@ncumisa IKR?
Is there a reason why you are up now? Isn’t it like just after midnight in the US?
@ncumisa Yes, I am up early, it’s 3a where I am. I had to use the loo.
@kartoffeltorte – go back to sleep!!
@ncumisa Hehe.. maybe later…
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