
At least I think they are lilacs. We met Reta on the way back from a walk… I am pretty hot.. I need to get into my room, where it’s nice and cool.
I’m drinking a diet Pepsi and the fizz went up my nose lol…
Friday Aunt Sonia comes to look after us.
I’m tired so, I’m going to sign out.
I also don’t know exactly what lilacs are. We don’t have any around here. But I understand that they smell good. Did these? Get some rest…
@novembercirese They smell great.
I love the scent of lilacs.
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yes me to I think they are lilacs look like anyway
@ihavenoarms Yeah, pretty flowers..
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I am in awe of those lilacs. I’ll bet they smell as good as they look. We don’t have many lilacs in Southern California.
@darkmadonna I have been hearing that.
They are beautiful and they smell divine.
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I looked them up. They’re lilacs. Lucky lucky you to have them so close! We don’t have native lilacs in California, more’s the pity.
@ghostdancer I see. After this heatwave that is happening, they will disappear sadly..
@kartoffeltorte All flowers have their moments in the sun & then fade away … to make room for the next batch?
@ghostdancer True.
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Those are very nice looking, Sammy. Great picture. I hope you have cooled down.
@heffay I am cool as a cuke LOL!! Ty. <3
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Did they smell like lilacs? That’s the dead giveaway. Well, that and big yellow swallowtail butterflies sucking up the nectar of each floret with their unfurled snuffelophagus or what ever it is called.
Also, bees used to love them, back when there were bees. You’re lucky to still have Bees.
@sleepygene No bees in the US of A???
@kartoffeltorte No, your sister Bees. We have a lot less of the big slow bumblee bees, though. It’s said.
@sleepygene Bees is my special girl true.
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