It is hot and muggy…

Like 40c (or 104f) out… like douse your head in ice water hot and muggy? I don’t know if I will be doing anything for the next few days as there is a heat warning for our area.
I am quite happy with my iPad mini that my baby sister Bees bought me. It has a fingerprint security feature that won’t let anyone else but me in. So, it’s nice to have.
Tonight is lasagna night here where I am. I am not looking forward to doing dishes tonight but what can you do?
My sisters are with me, Julz is relaxing and Bees is listening to Tears for Fears.
I just feel like crashing in bed… despite having a coffee… Caffeine has a weird effect on me. It can either energize me or make me fall asleep. Idkw though.
Hard to believe it’s that hot and muggy there. I hope you get some relief soon.
Believe it or not this summer in our hot and humid summer climate has been the mildest so far that I can ever remember. I’ve even been able to work out in the yard.
@oswego we got thunderstorms yesterday so that cooled things off…
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in joy the iPad mini and stay cool a heat warning for our area. to
@ihavenoarms oh I’m sure Hamilton is hot too.
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Hotter there than it is here
@kaliko ikr?
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Yeah, you seem to be caught in the big heat wave up north. 104 is hotter than it is down here, where it’s low 90s. It’s described as “a once in a hundred year heat wave” & CBC News says “Higher-than-average temperatures in Western Canada will stick around into next week.” Bet that mde you feel better, eh?
@ghostdancer we get the massive tstorms tho. That is
@kartoffeltorte Yeah it is, & I’m jealous! All we ever get is more of the same until October. And maybe not October but November. Sure makes me want to move north!
@ghostdancer we get the epic snowstorms… and ice storms…
@kartoffeltorte Right now, with the AC going full bore (& it will be until late September/early October) that sounds enticing!
@ghostdancer come join us.
@kartoffeltorte Oh man! Don’t tempt me! I wanted to so badly when Junior was prez, & even worse when the Orange Abomination was in office. But I don’t think they’ll let me — I think you have to be able to prove that you’re financially independent so you don’t go on the dole & bleed the govt dry.
@ghostdancer We have immigrants that are on family benefits! Which is a step up from welfare!
@kartoffeltorte Now that’s promising! I may start looking into it …
@ghostdancer COME!!!
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