I love Dark Shadows!

I randomly was on Tubi the other night, and I saw that Dark Shadows was listed, and so I clicked on play and I discovered that I love it! Love Barnabas Collins, love the original series and maybe the remake, I had heard of Dark Shadows the original by way of the Johnny Depp movie. I am hooked!!
Today was a workable event. Saw Raza, heard from Dr. A and just farted around the house, trying to stay cool, in a house that has central air everywhere but a couple of rooms including my own. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I live in a home that is over 100 years old… it is poorly insulated… and the heat settles in certain rooms… like mine for instance? I’m getting headaches frequently nowadays bc of the heat. I hope I don’t have heat stroke or something.
Tomorrow Ry comes for the weekend, yupp! My petition got noticed by Dave. I think the house meeting that we are having is about the petition!!! Ry might come back permanently!!!
Sammy xoxo
I used to love Dark Shadows as a kid. It was like the first real soap opera lol.
@caria It’s great eh?
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I loved it too
@kaliko It’s great innit?
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I’m not familiar with Dark Shadows, but have heard of it. I’m sorry you are so warm. If your room isn’t insulated, don’t you freeze in Winter?
And yay for petitions!!
@novembercirese Aye I freeze in the winter. LOL And yupp.
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