I feel so out of place, like… idk….

I drank two coffees with milk and sugar, maybe that’s it, caffeine has this weird effect on me. It can make me sleepy, make me ultra hyper or give me a sour stomach and a boggled mind. I think this time it’s the 3rd possibility. Not exactly the stomach issue but the boggled mind yes.

I feel weak like a kitten, I hope the heat has nothing to do with it.

I think I will rest for awhile.


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July 20, 2021

I hope you start feeling better soon, Sammy. I hope you can get some rest.

July 20, 2021

hope you feeling better  soon

July 21, 2021

@ihavenoarms Ty Todd.

July 20, 2021

I hope you feel better. The flowers are beautiful!

July 21, 2021

@sunshinelollipops Ty and I took that shot. 🙂