HHere I sit, nursing a Diet Pepsi, and thinking of the weekend…
And, Aunt Flo is here, just loverly. I am not happy to hear from her. I am g oing to drink some water after this. Brother Ry is on this weekend… so that’s a bonus!
I downloaded the Candyman movies, bc I want Julz and I to watch them. They are one of the best horror flicks of the 90’s. They don’t make them like they used to.. I want to see the new Candyman movie. It looks great!
I have a Sims 3 update for y’all. I gotta retrieve the surname for you bc it’s a Russian last name and it’s hard to write out by memories alone. But there is a surprise that even I didn’t know about until my sim gave birth!
That’ll come when I pop open the game.
Luv y’all,
I hate horrors! I hate thrillers…I like movies that make me feel mushy and that make me laugh…I think the last horror I actually sat through…and actually wanted to sit through was The Ring…the 1st one. Don’t ask me what it was about because I cannot remember…all I remember was a girl rocking back and forth on the floor while holding her legs and saying “I WILL NEVER TELL…” – or baby that is from a different horror…nee it was def that!!
What do Sims give birth? The last time I played Sims was probably in 2002….and I loved it…I love building houses and stuff…maybe I should get sims…ooh I wonder if I can get it on my phone…mmmm…
@ncumisa Rom-coms are my least favorite.
@kartoffeltorte – How is that possible. I watch movies so many times over….I know the script….
@ncumisa LOL IDK.
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Aunt Flo is your body’s way of cleaning your womb. I have already gone through menopause (when I was 31 and after a hysterectomy) and tbh, I miss having a period. I DON’T miss the cramps and moods.
Sims surprise? I wonder what it will be…?
@novembercirese – ai have PCOS, and I am overweight so I just wish that I could have a regular visit from Aunty Flo….I would just love to fall pregnant.
@ncumisa Not me.
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