Hey is for horses…

I really enjoy Dark Shadows. It may be a soap, but I love this one. It is right up my alley. I am going to watch some more tonight. I like the vampires and general ghouliness. My favorite hols besides Hanukkah is Hallowe’en.
Yupp. That is my schtick.
I am a fan of the 50’s and 60’s music. Love the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Elvis, Buddy Holly, etc…
Anyways, Bees tells me that it’s meds time..
Dark Shadows was campy and silly and filmed live so there are some GREAT mistakes and saves. Fan here!
@snarkle ikr?
@kartoffeltorte right!!
@snarkle I love Tubi .. it is better than regular tv.
@kartoffeltorte not familiar with that
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I will have to check it out although I’m not a fan of vampires due to severe childhood drama. I hope your meds are helping you. I am terribly grateful for mine.
@novembercirese Oh yeah.
You might like it. idk.
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me to . Love the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Elvis, Buddy Holly
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