Good morning y’all..

That up there is my sister Bees. She has been my bestie since college, 25 years ago. I remember how we met very clearly. I was about 23 years old and she was about 19, and I was with my foster sister Lorie who enrolled also, in the CVP program which was a program for young adults with learning disorders, find a job or whatever… so, I was looking for friends, and behind me these three girls were chatting about music, in particular BSB. I had an interest in BSB and Nick Carter since the mid 90’s… so I turned around in my chair and introduced myself to Bees, and the two Lee-Anne’s. (Lee-Anne Wachtel now Alter + Lee-Anne Arrobas)
Bees who’s real name is Colleen Feeney became my bestie within weeks. I flunked out of college, due to the fact, I had to take care of my nephew (Lorie’s kid) Mathew, and I had health issues as well, so, we kept in touch by e-mail, until my evil foster mother had a stroke, and my foster brother Doug took me in until I found shelter at the group home I’m in now. I phoned up my ex and asked him if I could have her number and then I left a message for her, and we re-united over the phone and later in person. Bees is the one that got me into B’s. So I am pretty lucky.
Today she is the closest thing I have to a sister.
We celebrated 25 yrs of knowing each other on the 26th of August. Everyone is amazed that we’ve been friends for so long.
Today I get my first $50. I need to budget this. I can do it. I know I can. My mom is doling it out to me each week. That was Dave and Heather’s idea.
I really need to see a dentist.
50 won’t go too far so that is hard! Best friends are wonderful!
@kaliko I know eh Kat? Besties are the best!
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So nice that you have such a wonderful friend and that you’ve been friends for so long. That’s more than most can say. I hope you have many more.
@kotila IKR?
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I have had best friends for over 20 years as well. I don’t have a LOT of friends, but love the ones I do have. Their friendship means the world to me.
Good luck with the $50 a week. And Kat is right, that’s not going to go too far. Are you going to save it up for something??
@novembercirese Not really, living week to week I reckon.
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That is so special. It is often that the sisters we choose or who choose us stick around much longer than the sisters we are connected to by blood. <3
@ncumisa TY Peace.
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Glad you got back in touch with an old friend.
You can do the budget thing! It’s hard, but knowing what you “need” verses what you “want” is a good start. Keep us updated! We want you to do well.
@smokedragon *hugs*
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